Second evening in Melbourne now

Well, as anyone who checks my blog once in a while knows, I have not been updating it on any kind of regular basis since like....forever? And although I doubt that will change, I will however try to capture some of the things I do during me semester here as some sort of picture diary, and I thought I'd write in english for the time being, juste ´cuse I feel like it :)

First some pictures from my going away barbecue last friday (that unfortunatly left me with 53 moosquito stings, wich meens two things; 1. Lasse isn't such a mosquito magnet as we thought on midsummer :( and 2. There is actually one reason to why it's good that I have left the bikini-weather for australian winter), in any case, it was a really nice evening, thank you all for comming!

I came here late last night after two unadventureus 10-hour flights through Bangkok, mabie I am getting used to flying.. Anyway, her comes some pictures from today; 

I have not seen a single snake or spider so far :) actually, I have not seen any sort of bug or animal accept birds, among them two black swans and those beautiful lori-parrots, a flock of whose almost flew straight into me :S The picture doesn't make them justice at all.. I'll try to get a closeup without backlight later..

There's also a lot of parrot-plants (direct translation from swedish), I really love those and tried to grow one in a pot once, unsucsessfully... I see why...

The CBD - Central Buisness District of Melbourne

Riverwalk in the evening


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