Second evening in Melbourne now
Well, as anyone who checks my blog once in a while knows, I have not been updating it on any kind of regular basis since like....forever? And although I doubt that will change, I will however try to capture some of the things I do during me semester here as some sort of picture diary, and I thought I'd write in english for the time being, juste ´cuse I feel like it :)
First some pictures from my going away barbecue last friday (that unfortunatly left me with 53 moosquito stings, wich meens two things; 1. Lasse isn't such a mosquito magnet as we thought on midsummer :( and 2. There is actually one reason to why it's good that I have left the bikini-weather for australian winter), in any case, it was a really nice evening, thank you all for comming!
I came here late last night after two unadventureus 10-hour flights through Bangkok, mabie I am getting used to flying.. Anyway, her comes some pictures from today;
I have not seen a single snake or spider so far :) actually, I have not seen any sort of bug or animal accept birds, among them two black swans and those beautiful lori-parrots, a flock of whose almost flew straight into me :S The picture doesn't make them justice at all.. I'll try to get a closeup without backlight later..
There's also a lot of parrot-plants (direct translation from swedish), I really love those and tried to grow one in a pot once, unsucsessfully... I see why...
The CBD - Central Buisness District of Melbourne
Riverwalk in the evening
First some pictures from my going away barbecue last friday (that unfortunatly left me with 53 moosquito stings, wich meens two things; 1. Lasse isn't such a mosquito magnet as we thought on midsummer :( and 2. There is actually one reason to why it's good that I have left the bikini-weather for australian winter), in any case, it was a really nice evening, thank you all for comming!
I came here late last night after two unadventureus 10-hour flights through Bangkok, mabie I am getting used to flying.. Anyway, her comes some pictures from today;
I have not seen a single snake or spider so far :) actually, I have not seen any sort of bug or animal accept birds, among them two black swans and those beautiful lori-parrots, a flock of whose almost flew straight into me :S The picture doesn't make them justice at all.. I'll try to get a closeup without backlight later..
There's also a lot of parrot-plants (direct translation from swedish), I really love those and tried to grow one in a pot once, unsucsessfully... I see why...
The CBD - Central Buisness District of Melbourne
Riverwalk in the evening