Penguiiiiiiins :D

Yesterday, early sunday morning five of us set of to Phillip Island to get a look on the little penguins of Australia.

During the 2½ hour drive me an Lisa kept on jumping everytime Chris would pick up the map to look at it, it apperently takes quite a while getting used to to having the driver on the right side of the car :P

The weather was...well, not to great

At the Pelican feeding just before Phillip Island

Those guys are pretty cool..

Kind of smart of this restaurant to feed Pelicans with fish-heads at noon, afterwards everyone went there to eat the rest of the fish :P

Us not excluded...

A big serving of fries here i well..big.. Adrian is about 2/3 through his now :S

The bridge to Phillip Island

I was not to impressed by the heiritage farm at Churchil Island..

The choclate factory had dilicious samples, and cute choclate-penguins :)

The car :P

A lot of ecalyptus trees, but no koalas..

Lisa and I somehow thought that climbing down this slope to the beach was a good idea..

Halfway :P

We made it!!

Muddy? Not really yet..unfortunatly it started to rain and got all slippery before we made our way back up :S

Pyramid Rock

Juuust a bit windy..

..wich makes cool waves :P

Guido, for some reason I like taking pictures like this :)

Seagulls were everywere at the Nobbies

More waves

Well..they were everywhere, so I simply had to take a picture..

At 5´o´clock it was finally time for the penguin parade :D We were not allowed to take pictures out on the broadwalks, so the only one I've got is this from inside the visitors centre where you could look inside some of the burrows through mirrors. The penguins were everywhere, gathering in groups out in the water, tumbeling over the beach, jumping uphill, kissing (we really saw two of them kissing!) and just being adorably cute. You could see them just 10cm from your feet below the broadwalk over and over again, and there were chicks to. I could have stayed out all night just looking at them! I ♥ litte penguins :D 

Time to go home..

Waiting for pizza

This pizza-size is actually called monster :P Perfect to share on 5 :)

We came home ice-cold, tired and covered in mud, but it was a great day :D


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