Comment of the weekend (from like 5 different people)

-Are you wearing TWOOO wetsuits?


-just checking...

Inception x2

Dinner before the movie

After seeing Inception a second time I think I understand it way better, I might be imagening, but Bing came to the same concusions. So we're probably both crazy.. I know one thing for sure at least, I need to see it again!!

I always bruise easily, but this is just insane...

Squash monday and climbing tuseday, than that's just what happends.. good thing I'm not wearing my bathing suit tomorrow.. or wait, I am :S

Penguiiiiiiins :D

Yesterday, early sunday morning five of us set of to Phillip Island to get a look on the little penguins of Australia.

During the 2½ hour drive me an Lisa kept on jumping everytime Chris would pick up the map to look at it, it apperently takes quite a while getting used to to having the driver on the right side of the car :P

The weather was...well, not to great

At the Pelican feeding just before Phillip Island

Those guys are pretty cool..

Kind of smart of this restaurant to feed Pelicans with fish-heads at noon, afterwards everyone went there to eat the rest of the fish :P

Us not excluded...

A big serving of fries here i well..big.. Adrian is about 2/3 through his now :S

The bridge to Phillip Island

I was not to impressed by the heiritage farm at Churchil Island..

The choclate factory had dilicious samples, and cute choclate-penguins :)

The car :P

A lot of ecalyptus trees, but no koalas..

Lisa and I somehow thought that climbing down this slope to the beach was a good idea..

Halfway :P

We made it!!

Muddy? Not really yet..unfortunatly it started to rain and got all slippery before we made our way back up :S

Pyramid Rock

Juuust a bit windy..

..wich makes cool waves :P

Guido, for some reason I like taking pictures like this :)

Seagulls were everywere at the Nobbies

More waves

Well..they were everywhere, so I simply had to take a picture..

At 5´o´clock it was finally time for the penguin parade :D We were not allowed to take pictures out on the broadwalks, so the only one I've got is this from inside the visitors centre where you could look inside some of the burrows through mirrors. The penguins were everywhere, gathering in groups out in the water, tumbeling over the beach, jumping uphill, kissing (we really saw two of them kissing!) and just being adorably cute. You could see them just 10cm from your feet below the broadwalk over and over again, and there were chicks to. I could have stayed out all night just looking at them! I ♥ litte penguins :D 

Time to go home..

Waiting for pizza

This pizza-size is actually called monster :P Perfect to share on 5 :)

We came home ice-cold, tired and covered in mud, but it was a great day :D

Argyle Square

Earlier this week was one of those unusual sunny days in winter-Melbourne. While working on my storyboard, for the animations class, in the park outside our house, I noticed that the birds here seem to think you are a tree if you sit at the same place long enough :P I got my first mark at school by the way, 5 out of 5 :D 

Just a few pictures

I have gotten a computer chair now though

There are a lot of small alleys all around town, I really like this one

Me and Lisa at the footy game in Ethead Stadium last Sunday

On my BEDROOM floor

I don't know what kind of spider this is..but I'm scared of it :(

Brave, furry little creatures

Possums are all over the parks here, and I know that you can certainly get better pictures of them than this, but keep in mind that those are taken with my mobile phone, that has no zoom function.

Comment of the day

well, what if I want to do what I don't want to do?

Sliding doors

I know that sliding doors are not to be used for bedrooms, that's about the first thing you learn in architecture school, its just one of those undisputeble facts. I live in a room with a sliding door now... and I love it...  

Camp at Grampions

We got on the bus early friday morning,

and went through Australias flat landscape that looks quite similar to the one of southern France or Spain, until you see a huge flock of kokatoos taking of by the side of the road.

We stopped for lunch in the town of Arrarat,

and went on for a tour of the cellars, and of course some wine-tasting at Seppelts Winery.

Our next stop was Brambuk oboriginal centre. The building below is designed to look like a kokatoo, the totem animal of the lokal tribe, in flight. Accept watching some movies and looking around, we got to taste som australian animals here, including kangoroo and crocodile.

Once at camp, we could see all the kangoroos we wanted, and when we went out for a night-walk in the woods, we also saw some kokaburras, sugar gliders, and varios kinds of possums.

The next morning, we went in to the town of Hamilton, a place that in the end of the 19th century had more churches (9) than hotels (8). This was apperently uncommon around here, but I do not think that the same applies to Europe, where churches are everywhere..

Well, there's alwas a first time for everything, and on Saturday afternoon, I did go for a walk in the woods, in the rain, by my own free will :P

We found a yoye that was all alone, he was sooo cute, and I really hope that it's true like Kent said, that they are usually found again by the kangoroos.

In the evening we had a barbecue with some local people, and then the party went on, a great night.. not such a great sunday morning three hours later. But it was not as bad as I could have imagined actually. Below we are waiving goodbye to Dennis and Marie, the camp owners, from the bus. 

We started sunday with visiting a sheep farm,

and then went to our last stop at Sovereign Hill, a theme park about the gold rush. I was raining all day, so we were quite lucky to get on the tour of an underground mine, wich you normaly had to book in advance.

Happy, Happy, Happy

I have now managed to change my courses to what I want in the last second :)

My new room is free from tonight, so I can move in whenever I get my stuff packed up :)

And I had a great weekend out at the Grampions (pictures will be added later) :)

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